In Your Home
Respect For Them Too
Studies show that accepting a child's preferred pronouns is a lifesaving action. According to the Trevor Project, only one in three LGBTQ+ youth have access to affirming spaces at home. Click here for a handy guide for GLSEN!
Love For Them Too
The strongest predictor of a child's resiliency is having one committed adult who believes in them. Being that adult, especially at home, will have lasting impact and benefits. PFLAG has a number of publications tailored to help families create loving spaces that support healthy growth and development.
Safety For Them Too
Over 42% of LGBTQ+ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year. They need adults who have the concern, will and competencies to meet their needs. It is important to offer support without making them targets of resentment, fear or hate. The Trevor Project provides a variety of tools for youth and parents who are struggling or in crisis.